シラバス トップページへ 東北文教大学トップページへ




開講時期:後期 授業形態:講義・演習 授業回数:15 回 時間数:30 時間 単位:2 単位


■ 科目のねらい

■ 授業の概要

■ 達成目標・到達目標
①Students will be able to build effective groups quickly and easily.
②Students will use teamwork to solve certain problems.
③Students will be able to increase their presentation ability.
④Students will be able to exchange opinions comfortably and effectively.

■ 単位認定の要件
Passing grades will be given to students who show imagination, leadership and negotiation skills as well as
an ability to give clear presentations. Group making 10%, problem solvng 30%, presentation skills 30%, debating skills 30%.

■ 単位の認定方法及び割合
授業内試験:50% 授業内活動:50%

■ 授業計画

■ 時間外学修

■ 課題に対するフィードバック
Students will engage in self-evaluation and group evaluation with feedback from the teacher.

■ 使用テキスト・教材
All materials for this course will be handed out in class.

■ 参考文献等

■ 備考
This is course depends on strong groupwork skills, and opinion exchange. Students should be able to express
themselves and work with others in an effecient and productive manner.

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