シラバス トップページへ 東北文教大学トップページへ




開講時期:前期 授業形態:演習 授業回数:15 回 時間数:30 時間 単位:1 単位


■ 科目のねらい
This course is an extension of English Communication studied in the first year. It will concentrate on using appropriate English in various situations. The aim is to give students confidence in dealing with different English based scenarios.

■ 授業の概要
Classes will be largely practical. Students will be given various scenarios and then be expected to prepare, practice, memorize and perform conversations in the form of role-plays. The focus will be on the appropriateness of the language used. Each role-play will form part of the testing process which will include self-evaluation.

■ 達成目標・到達目標
Students will be able to hold understandable conversations in English.
Students will be able to understand a wide range of basic English vocabulary.
Students will be able to express themselves in a series of speaking tests.
Students will learn that English is a living language.

■ 単位認定の要件
A passing grade will be awarded to students who attend at least 2/3 of classes and complete assignments and tests (4 speaking tests 15% each, evaluation assignments 20%).

■ 単位の認定方法及び割合
授業内提出物:20% 授業内試験:60% 授業内活動:20%

■ 授業計画

■ 時間外学修
Completion of preparation for each role-play, followed by self-evaluation and necessary corrections.

■ 課題に対するフィードバック
Feedback will be both on an individual and groups basis, with an emphasis on self-evaluation.

■ 使用テキスト・教材
There is no text for this course. Any necessary materials will be handed out.

■ 参考文献等

■ 備考
As each role-play will be performed in front of the class, students must be prepared to be active and open to class evaluation. As there will be some improvisation involved, a certain degree of flexibility will be required.

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